Good old Ipswich, we find we say that a lot! It has a slightly tarnished reputation, illustrated by the recent uproar by the townsfolk when a monopoly board was designed based on Ipswich where every square had a 'Go to Jail' logo on it!! But Ispwich is ok really. It is where Dave works and where we spent our first few weeks in Australia.
Some facts.....
It is a small town about 30mins drive from Brisbane. In the winter it is a lot colder that Brissie and in Summer it is a lot hotter! Just the other day it was 38 degrees in Ipswich and only 30 degrees in Brissie. It has lots of bargain shops which is perfect for us setting up home!
Whilst we were in Ipswich we stayed in a most unfortunately named Trumpy House. There we had an en-suite room with a communal kitchen and lounge. The cooking facilities were dire but it gave us a good excuse to eat out a lot!!
However it was in Trumpy that we met Sherry and Sean, they lived on the floor above but prefered the choice of pans and kitchen facilities that downstairs offered! They come from Thunder Bay in Canada and have been great hosts to the Aussie way of life! They appear quite frequently through our website!
Dave's Job
Dave is based at the Mental Health Unit at Ipswich Hospital. There he sees and treats his in-patients. However, twice a week he has a clinic in another town closer to Brissie called Goodna. Goodna has some interesting history. It originally was the lunatic asylum for South East Queensland. It consisted of farms, houses and shops all for the mentally disturbed. A lot of these orignal inhabitant's decendants are still in the area, which makes for a very interesting gene pool!
The on-call demands for this job are pretty bearable, generally 1 in 6 and remote after 9pm on weekdays and after 6pm on weekends. The hours are so preferable that Dave is now going to do this job for the whole year rather than swap in February for Paediatrics.